
We believe Jesus is God. Even more amazing: He loves us and invites us to have a love-relationship with Himself. Our wrongdoings, what the Bible calls ‘sin’, keep us from getting close to God. The Bible states that sin brings about death and separation from God. Jesus came to earth to display God’s love for us through His sacrificial death on the Cross. Jesus died, literally, by being nailed on a cross. Jesus’ death satisfied the need for us to pay for our own sin.

Though He literally died on the cross, Jesus came back to life. He went back to heaven and is there right now. Based on the promises of Jesus, we anticipate His return to earth.
Jesus promised that if we trust in His death and resurrection, we will be assured life with God – both now and forever.

Jesus is God and His Spirit can be with us all the time. One of the ways we know Him is by reading the Bible, which is like a love letter written by Him to each one of us. This may sound a little strange, but a relationship with the Creator of the World is an incredible experience. Ask anyone who knows Him.

Christians, Followers of Jesus

A person who chooses to enter into a relationship with Jesus is called a Christian. If you believe that Jesus is God, that He died for your sin and came back to life, you have taken the first step into a relationship with God.

Prayer is talking with God. If you’re ready to follow Jesus, it’s important to tell Him so. You might say something like this to God:

“Jesus, I need You. Thank You for dying on the cross for my sins. I want to turn away from my sinful life and receive You as my Savior and Lord. Thank You for forgiving my sins. Please send Your Holy Spirit to help me obey You and make me the kind of person You want me to be.”

The adventure starts now. Get to know Jesus and yourself better by reading the book of Mark in the Bible. If you don’t have a Bible that you can understand, let us know and we can help you find one. It is also important to tell someone about your decision and share that incredible moment with them. Please share your decision with one of our pastors—we would love to get to know you and hear your story.